Hello there fellow readers and those who have stumbled upon this blog. I mentioned in my introduction post that I'd be talking about all sorts of topics from music to the Goth subculture and even video games. Today, I decided to go ahead and give some attention and mini review to one of the recent games I've been playing, Pokemon X & Y.
I have been into Pokemon since I was a kid in the 90s when the craze exploded. I watched the anime and played most of the games (excluding Black & White and it's sequels) and at 22, I'm still a big fan of the series. I truly believe that you can never be too old for Pokemon but that's for another topic. Anyway, here are my thoughts on the recent Pokemon game.
Honestly, my last Pokemon game I played was Pokemon Diamond back around 2009-2010 and for the most part, it was good but I found myself falling behind with Pokemon as I got caught up with other things. I never got around to playing Pokemon Black & White or their sequels and I missed out on HeartGold & Soul Silver (which is a shame because I love the 2nd Generation...) So naturally, I was pretty out of the loop with the series. I wasn't sure if I was going to buy this game but after watching some gameplay and seeing more of the new Pokemon, I decided to go out and buy a nice black 3DS and Pokemon Y three days after Christmas of 2013.
What do I think of this game? I honestly... LOVED IT! Like I mentioned above, it has been a long while since I played a Pokemon game and I was very hesitant with this one but it turned out to be one of the best purchases I ever made in 2013 and buying the 3DS was very worth it. I'll admit though, seeing the new graphic overhaul of how the game ran and the added character customization were big aspects that prompted me to get it.
The 6th Gen Pokemon while very few compared to the previous gen, had a lot of visually impressive designs. Pokemon aesthetics come down to personal taste of course but I really liked a lot of them this time around. The new starters Fennekin (Fire), Chespin (Grass), and Froakie (Water) looked very nice and it was hard to choose which one I wanted to start with. I really wanted to go with Froakie but I ended up going with Fennekin (it's funny because in all the games, I've always went with the fire type lol). The new introduced Fairy Type Pokemon are rather interesting and provided some strategic match ups (I'm looking at you Slurpuff). Some of my favorite newer Pokemon include Noibat & Noivern, Litleo & Pyroar, Pumpkaboo, and Phantump. Yeah, there aren't 150 this time around but the 87 (including Mega Evolutions) held up pretty good. Speaking of Mega Evolutions, I actually like the concept though admittedly, I don't have many Mega Evolutions except for Lucario. With that said, they still are a rather neat new feature though some of the designs could have been better. I wasn't a big fan of Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, & Mega Scizor, they looked a bit too Transformers mecha for my taste haha.